Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday Favorites ~ little this, a little that

TGIF!  It was one of those weeks, can I get an AMEN!?  Including packing my lunch and leaving it on the counter this morning.  It's hard to get back to routine after 2 exceptionally lazy holiday weeks! 

Linking up for Friday favs...with Andrea, Erica & Narci

One of my besties gave me these Kate Spade favorite color green studs! I wore them the next day, didn't matter to me if they matched or not! Love them so much and I know I will be wearing them a lot!  I love it when someone picks out a gift for you that you had looked at yourself, never bought, and never even talked about them either! Now that I have a pair of these and know how much I like them, I might end up with more....

I mentioned my New Years Resolution was fresh flowers in my house.  One of my college besties brought me these last week at our lunch gathering and they have been so bright and cheery in my house this week! I know fresh flowers are going to a favorite all year long! If you're feeling like you've already failed your resolutions, you might find some encouragement here.

Little things are big things for me and when someone remembers something that you like, and then surprises you with a little treat, it's a favorite for me!  I love this quote...kindness matters.

This year for my nieces' birthday, I took them shopping for a new dress. We had a fun outing, lots of laughs and posing in the dressing room and they each found a dress as part of their birthday present.  This year for Christmas I gave all 3 littles a gift card to Target and told them I would take them and they could pick out whatever they wanted.  So, we headed to Target after church one Sunday with gift cards burning a hole for them!  We labored over Legos for my nephew, finally had a combination picked out, then turned the corner...saw this puppy dog and Max was adopted right off the toy aisle of Target.  I never would have picked this as a gift for him, and he was so very excited about him!  The girls looked at all sorts of things...high heels , office supplies, pens, and toys...then both decided on stick on nails, lip glosses and couple of other little things from the kids cosmetics aisle.  They tapped on all counters, fridge, chairs and tables and were so pleased with their nails.  Shopping with them to pick out (pretty much) whatever they wanted was so fun and what I think will become a favorite tradition for me.  Aunt life is such a gift! 

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Bundle up and stay warm this weekend!  With rain and 30 degree temps predicted plus a couple of new books I will most likely be in one of my favorite places...on the couch! 

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