It wasn't.
Big life change doesn't scare me. It doesn't make me wonder what in the world is going to happen. I always look toward an opportunity. I am a builder. I love the challenge of new; creating and developing programs, training, problem solving, designing and implementing systems and teaching those around me along the way.
{In fact in Tulsa, Oklahoma on December 31, 1999 after spending the day at the World's Richest Calf Roping we went out for a bit and then took to the streets to see what happened when the clock struck the year 2000. Nothing happened. Every red light, fast food restaurant, cell phone and electric switch still worked. I could only think of all those people who had been in such a panic for YEARS leading up to the change.}
Through the years what I have learned there is one constant in life: change.
Last year as I packed up my classrooms for the summer I had a feeling I wasn't going back to my school in my same position. I had interviewed for a different position at the end of school, but didn't have the years of experience teaching to qualify. I didn't really tell anyone about this, I just knew what was meant to be for me would work out. I prayed about it over the summer and had a mentor who prayed some very specific things for me as well in July based on my interest, passion and experience.
As summer was coming to an end, I got a message from a friend about an opening, that would likely fit my skills and combine my classroom and corporate experience. I applied online and found myself back in my suit the day before my birthday and less than a week before I was due back to work. The following Monday I went back to work, knowing in the back of my mind all things could be about to change.

But my passion lies deeper. I believe there is a gap - students who aren't equipped for college or careers upon completion of High School. Students who are missing practical skills and applying what they have learned. Graduation from High School is a student's greatest accomplishment to that date in their lives. They should be ready, not fearful for change into college or a career.
It is our job to equip them.
So, that's what I'm going to do at the largest ISD in Texas. Work with programs that are equipping teachers with Corporate experience to apply in their classrooms and partnering with local businesses to offer students real world internships to apply their classroom knowledge. The perfect mix of my corporate and education experience.
Embracing change,
Congratulations on your new position with the ISD, Angie! And way to go with how you embrace change! I'm such a "locked in place" person and stubborn to change - even as it steamrolls me over. You go girl! I'll keep you in prayers during this time of changes and adjustments! Woof to Mr B!