The days keep getting away from me. I'm painting for a Christmas show (lettered art here), working on a few Rodeo Houston committee things, doing some early (earlier than usual) Christmas shopping, travel for work, and oh yes, work every day. In the midst of "Audit Season" for my job, so that means a lot of screen time at work which means I shy away from more computer time in the evening!
Anyway....the weather's cooling off a bit here, some cooler days, some still warmer days, so here's a few things I've been wearing lately in the transition!
I picked up this T at the beginning of October during Texas Antiques Week from LHTX, a brand that is designed and made right here in Texas. This is one of my favorite sayings and it happened to go perfect with this bright yellow never sure what I'm going to wear with it cardigan for a Sunday at church. By now you know camo is a neutral for me, so added on this light weight scarf for little warmth and yes, those are white jeans WELL after Labor Day. #iliveontheedge.

Speaking of plaid and flannel...this oversize tunic is one step above pj's as far as comfort goes. It's also a Target find (this year) but when I did look for it online they are apparently all sold out. It was I guess part of their "early fall" clothes, which we only dreamed of flannel as temps still hovered in the 90's during "early fall" in Texas. Flare jeans are also from Target, which you can get in "long" inseam online...38", perfect for 4" heels. Speaking of heels, these leopard ones are also neutral and mix well with any plaid! #highertheheelclosertoGod #HeelsHighStandardsHigh

If you follow sports you know our Astros made it out of the regular season this year, which meant supporting our team for their support of our School District! #anythingforjeans Barbara Bush affirmed my jewelry + jerseys with her pearls on the field while #41 threw out the first pitch, so on Astros day at work, I put on my pearls too. What I miss most about teaching: Jeans Friday + spirit shirt! Maybe the Texans will make it out of the regular season too and we will get another jeans day! Just like that Bengals loss of perfect record on Monday night #RIPjeansFriday.
You know me well enough to know the weekends are as low maintenance as possible and the leggings are in rotation! These are a Target pair and they have several fun prints out now, which you will find in the clothes section because apparently the store designers have realized yoga pants/leggings aren't just for working out. Everyone can cry "tears of joy" emoji's over that one and use the Oxford word of the year with great enthusiasm since I guess it's too hard to type words anymore. #lazylikeleggingsforclothes
Have a great rest of your week, this is a sweet season of cooler temps, pumpkin pies, friends, family and recognizing all that we have to be thankful for. Though I realize, all of those things magnify the pain for those in difficult seasons right now, and my prayer to you is to find hope in Jesus and peace in uncertainty.
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