Monday, June 13, 2016

Monday Musings ~ Spilled Coffee

...a few thoughts, a little scattered...

Last Friday I met a few girls for coffee (and ended up also being delicious breakfast) on the summer coffee tour to our neighborhood coffee shops. You can imagine a table full of girls even at 7am, lots of stories, laughs and chatter.  

We started talking about lettering, another girl letters and as she was air-drawing her lowercase calligraphy "f" she caught the edge of her latte, and it spilled.  We giggled, someone snapchat-ed (is that a word) it and the gracious wait staff brought her a fresh new latte.  She quickly said "I feel bad, I was over half way done with my latte and now I have a new one". 

....spilled coffee....
sometimes we can laugh about, sometimes someone immediately fixes it for us

We prefer our coffee life to look picture perfect, not sloshed out for someone to clean up

When life spills over out of the cup, it's better when in community. The ones who are there to pick us up, help clean up the mess, fill our cups again and share some laughs when we need them and maybe some tears too.  

Even when you (I) look back and walk away from a table of empty cups, a mess might have been made, but we are (I am) filled up and better because of the community we have around us. This morning happened to be mostly girls I don't know, but the table is one of my favorite gathering places and common threads are quickly found, even if you have to be a little vulnerable with your story and get to know someone new.   

Since I have Fridays off, I stayed to read and write a bit after the group left.  I opened up to the next chapter in Thirty One Days of Prayer For The Dreamer and Doer, entitled "Authenticity". How important it is to have community where we can be authentic, and our stories are safe. Where spilled coffee happens and no judgement is cast, but hope and grace abound.  

...and I spilled my coffee... 
in my book, where there was no wiping it up, and it was going to leave a mark 

And sometimes life is like that, a little messy, a stain remains, but still we press on and those mishaps are markers for us of seasons and growth and hurt and happy and stories and laughs.  I quickly texted the pic above to the group who just left, "I spilled my coffee too", because sometimes we need to know even when we are by ourselves that community is still around us and we aren't by ourselves with the mess.  

Others also need to know; they aren't the only one who spills their coffee. 

Thankfully, Jesus is always near to our mess, he never leaves us to ourselves to clean it up. He walks alongside us, sometimes making all things new and sometimes we have to grow from the spills that leave a mark with discipline and love.  

My book reminded me...."God's word urges us to live a transparent life in community with others. He calls us to be authentic and genuine to ourselves and to those around us because there is freedom in truth."  {Click here to pick us this devotional, highly recommend if you are a dreamer!} spilled your coffee....
I did to. 

Let's keep going in community, with our friends and with Jesus. 
The mess is worth the memories, it's the story of our lives. 



  1. Happy Monday, Angie! What a wonderful post - I'm a klutz, so I know about spills - I just spilled my salad on my desk! I'm a spiritual klutz, too, and thankfully Jesus has his sponges and rags standing at the ready to help me clean up my messes. thank you for the reminder about the depth of Jesus' love for us. Have a blessed day!

    1. Thank you Laurie and hope your day is great too!

  2. hooray for such a friday funday tradition!
    also, beautiful post.
