...today my little Barney would have been 10. Hard to believe just
2 weeks have gone by, when it seems like a lifetime and a blink of an eye at the same time. Tears still sting most every day, and today seems especially sad thinking back on nearly 10 great years for him!
From just a puppy he was such a personality...getting on the coffee table, playing with his sister, showing off his smile, getting dirty at the 4G and acting just like a little person looking in the door...
He had lots of puppy friends, Kirby was one of his first friends, lots of Bachelor nights with Cooper who wasn't sure why B was allowed on the couch, Bentley was another favorite and lots of dogs we babysat for Mama's who were away for a weekend.
The Littles loved him, and he loved the Littles, always so patient and tolerating. He kept a close watch for anything to be dropped from a plate, shared morning cheerios, supervised outside play and played a lot of chase. All 3 would say when they were first learning to talk "Gigi Bar-ey likes me" when he would run and play with them! The recliner was a favorite at the 4G and he would always squeeze in, no matter how many of us were already in it! One thing is for certain, he didn't want to be left out.

The 4G was always a favorite, aside from the first time I dropped him off with my parents and Mom calling me to let me hear him crying on the way home, he was always happy there. Most days outside were a flash of streaking in the yard, running back from the pasture, streaking around the house, sitting on the porch swing, soaking up the sunshine on the driveway, hanging out with the big dogs. If he wasn't outside with us, he was keeping a close eye at the door for the next chance to head out to play. He was a helper and got into the middle of things when Mom was working around the house. When he was tired, he always got up from the recliner, rolled around on the rug, stretched, got a drink and often put himself to bed in his crate, or stood in the doorway waiting for someone to come put him to bed. But, I think he would have slept in the bed, if Meme and Papa had let him, though he did get some early morning "naps" after waking Mom up to go out at 5am and getting back into the bed with her...he was smart if he was anything!

Mom and Dad loved him so much, and he was definitely one of the family. My Mom told me losing him was doubly hard, watching me grieve and also because he had spent so much time with them and they loved their granddog!

2012 was a hard year for me, but he was along side every step. He knew when I was sad, or when I didn't feel good, we conquered the road together in 2012-2013, and he was the best road warrior. Making friends with every hotel we stayed in, but never far from being ready to pack up and go, making sure he didn't get left behind. He rode shotgun from Huntsville to Fort Worth countless times, across the country to Ohio and Oklahoma and of course too many trips to ever count with me and so many times with the littles in tow. He always propped his head up on the console or arm rest, and never gave up his shotgun seat, even when Cole was big enough to ride in the front. I would tell him to load up and get in his seat, then get down to get out, it was such a routine. He always perked up when we turned off the highway to the 4G, he knew we were close.

Birthdays and Christmas were always a highlight, he dug right into presents and knew what was his. I always gave him a new bed for his crate, but had to keep it put away until time to open presents. His toy box is still full, he never tore up a toy, and often went to dig one out, usually something specific he was looking for. His toys would "get him down" and he always turned on his back to play with them. Anytime I came in with bags, he sniffed them out in case something was for him. He loved a new collar and would stand and jump until I could get the tags switched and put the new collar on.

We rode out a hurricane together, he kept a close watch after I had surgery. But, the everyday and ordinary is what I miss the most. Almost every day I would ask him "do you love your Mama?" and he would always lick my nose, every morning and evening going for walks, pawing his bowl for treats after finishing his supper, coming back for cheerios when I was making my lunch, a spot on my bed he would pull my pj's to and lay on during the day while I was gone, rearranging all the pillows on the bed to get it just right, getting excited when I packed his bag, waiting by the door when I came home, glowing reports always from the groomer and vet, little whine from his crate to wake me up and being my backup alarm clock, his love for his house and going to lay down when he needed his space, a persistent bark when he needed me, his pose for photos and expressions that were almost as if he was talking.

He added so much color to my life, and filled it to the brim...a million little things, make up one giant piece of my heart for all of these years...
I hope there were lots of treats and squeaky toys today in heaven, Happy Birthday little B!
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