Monday, August 22, 2016

Monday Musings ~ Back to School

...a few thoughts, a little scattered....

I graduated college in December 1997, a semester early and upon graduation I planned to work for the Spring semester, apply to grad school and begin a MBA program in the Fall 1998.  

Then I went to work. 

And, I kept working. 

But, I kept thinking about that MBA for all of these years. 

And asking questions....
Where can I go? 
When is the right time? 
How much does it cost? 
Can I do it part time while working? 
Can I even get a reasonable score on the GMAT?
I haven't been in school in a LONG time!! 

{Fast forward 18.5 years}

And, one conversation at just the right time. 
I applied. 

I was accepted. 
I had an appointment with an Admissions Counselor.
I registered. 
I figured out 21st century college and found my online pre-class instructions. 
I got some school supplies. 
I have an Introduction Worksheet complete. 

And, tomorrow, the journey officially begins. 

And, 20 years later from when I would have just been starting that MBA,
Lord willing I will graduate Summer 2018. 

I'm reminded the years don't matter, it's accomplishing the goal. 

Here goes...

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