Merry Christmas from my house to yours!
Here's a little home tour of my Christmas decorations this year.....
On my kitchen bar I have a few wintry/lodge holiday decorations, items I've picked up through the years and displayed in various ways. The sign is one I painted and the "A" ornament was a Marshall's find this year.
The other end of the bar holds seasonal napkins all year, with a little Texas flair for Christmas with "y'all" napkins and a festive dessert plates on the ready.
By the stove is a little vintage Santa.
On my dining room table a little Merry Christmas tree, perfect for this tray.
A new addition this year, the buck plates on my hutch, which might be permanent fixture. Or at least for the entire winter. I have some green plates with a bird that I might change out come Spring.
My tree fit perfectly beside my bookcase. And, after 10 or more years of snowman stockings I changed it up this year with new Christmas plaid simple stockings.
I found this Merry Christmas felt banner in the Target Dollar Spot and strung it together. Is a fun addition in the living room, of course I love words and decorate mostly with words, so is fitting. The pillow says Peace - Love - Santa, though Auggie is blocking the bottom.
I painted this canvas last year of the manger and have it on my side table in the living room. Oh Holy Night is my favorite Christmas song, and I love this block. My globe stays there all year, but is a good reminder even at Christmas the message of the holy night of Jesus' birth is good news for the entire world.
On my ottoman/coffee table tray I have a mix of Christmas books and a small nativity. I am on the hunt for a nativity set, but haven't found what I'm looking for yet.
I have a collection of children's books, that I have been receiving for several years from my Mom and Dad, displayed on my bookshelves. The JOY letters were an original Christmas decoration, painted red, white and green, that I painted silver and leave out all year now.
On my desk I have a little Santa.

This year I decided I wanted some holiday/winter bedding and found this set at Home Goods. It was a complete set with comforter, quilt, shams and throw pillows. I added the deer silhouette shams and the truck pillow and the rest is part of my regular bedding. I plan to leave this set on my bed at least through February.
Not to be left out, I changed out my shower curtain for a simple Christmas/winter trees shower curtain and added a little vintage tree farm towel. All of my bathroom towels and rugs are green, so this was a simple change for Christmas decorating.
This is little Auggie's first Christmas with me and he's spent lots of time laying by the tree.
My prayer for you this Christmas beyond the decorations and the presents is to know the Savior, Jesus, who's birth we celebrate and the gift we are certainly unworthy of, but who's grace is greater.
"Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2: 10-11.
Merry Christmas!
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