I love taking pictures, the every day, the mundane, the big, the fun, the celebrating, even the hard. Images I want to remember. So, this year, I'm documenting my everyday. A photo a day for my FB/IG and then writing the stories of each on my blog weekly.
So, welcome to (February) 2017!
Three years ago I made the new years resolution of "fresh flowers in my house" and it's likely the one resolution I've ever stuck to for more than a year. I just pick up simple flowers from the grocery store and every now and then pick up roses. They are always a bright spot in my house and usually are refreshed on Sundays when I grocery shop.

Monday night we had a Women's Gathering at our church, which was also the night my Life Together group was scheduled to meet, so we changed up our plan and went to our church event. Several girls didn't come, but these girls did and it was great time and fun to have a different type of event to attend together. Each of these girls are uniquely gifted and none of us knew each other in September when we started meeting, so it has been fun to get to know them through our group.

{02.20.17 Bonus}
Apparently Auggie wasn't quite ready to face the new week on Monday morning....

These girls are two of my co-workers, Kaire and I are cube mates and Monika is our Department Assistant. We have lots of laughs and fun, and this day happened to have all shown up dressed in red and black.

This is the face of a happy dog after a 3 mile walk in the sun-shine on Wednesday. A walk is definitely his highlight of the day.

{02.22.17 - Double bonus}
This was the glorious sun-shining day. We have had unseasonably warm temps lately and it has been glorious with what feels like zero percent humidity. Which also means good hair days. Here's hoping to days of this weather during Rodeo!!

Also, that smiling face got a little time-out on Wednesday after he snatched the turkey off my lunch plate while I was shutting the door from him having some porch time in the sunshine.

Thursday was the #enditmovement to shine a light on slavery. Unfortunately Houston is a mecca of human trafficking and sex slave industry. You can read more about the human trafficking epidemic in the United States here: https://enditmovement.com/

{02.23.27 - Double Bonus}
This year will be my 3rd and final year as Vice Chairman on one of my Rodeo Committees. Time flies when you're having fun and working with a Chairman who's also a great long time friend. After our meeting we started celebrating his final year at Chairman!

Also this day I went to a school event that happened to include a visit through the phone museum and this phone booth from the 1950's, when phone booths were first available outside!!

Friday was still beautiful outside and we went for a walk again. One of my favorite treats in life is an after work nap on Friday, and this day was no exception, especially after our walk!

I had been looking forward to this day for a few weeks. Literally crossed it off on my calendar so as not to commit to something. This was after 7 weekends of retreats, conferences and road trips and before 4 weekends of Rodeo Houston, and I was determined to not commit myself to much and rest.

{02.25.17 - Double Bonus}
I slept in, got up, moved to the couch with my Plexus Pink Drink and settled in to check out my latest Magnolia Journal.

Then I made some breakfast and a cup of coffee because I had time to sit and enjoy it. As I was finishing up the Magnolia Journal I turned to this page, and thought the perfect ending to my week, that started with talking about the love of flowers in my home.
I must have flowers always and always.

The only thing I scheduled Saturday was lunch with a long time friend I hadn't seen in a couple of years, which was 2 hours of sitting on a patio, visiting and eating on another glorious sun-shining day.
Three years ago I made the new years resolution of "fresh flowers in my house" and it's likely the one resolution I've ever stuck to for more than a year. I just pick up simple flowers from the grocery store and every now and then pick up roses. They are always a bright spot in my house and usually are refreshed on Sundays when I grocery shop.

Monday night we had a Women's Gathering at our church, which was also the night my Life Together group was scheduled to meet, so we changed up our plan and went to our church event. Several girls didn't come, but these girls did and it was great time and fun to have a different type of event to attend together. Each of these girls are uniquely gifted and none of us knew each other in September when we started meeting, so it has been fun to get to know them through our group.

{02.20.17 Bonus}
Apparently Auggie wasn't quite ready to face the new week on Monday morning....

These girls are two of my co-workers, Kaire and I are cube mates and Monika is our Department Assistant. We have lots of laughs and fun, and this day happened to have all shown up dressed in red and black.

This is the face of a happy dog after a 3 mile walk in the sun-shine on Wednesday. A walk is definitely his highlight of the day.

{02.22.17 - Double bonus}
This was the glorious sun-shining day. We have had unseasonably warm temps lately and it has been glorious with what feels like zero percent humidity. Which also means good hair days. Here's hoping to days of this weather during Rodeo!!

Also, that smiling face got a little time-out on Wednesday after he snatched the turkey off my lunch plate while I was shutting the door from him having some porch time in the sunshine.

Thursday was the #enditmovement to shine a light on slavery. Unfortunately Houston is a mecca of human trafficking and sex slave industry. You can read more about the human trafficking epidemic in the United States here: https://enditmovement.com/

{02.23.27 - Double Bonus}
This year will be my 3rd and final year as Vice Chairman on one of my Rodeo Committees. Time flies when you're having fun and working with a Chairman who's also a great long time friend. After our meeting we started celebrating his final year at Chairman!

Also this day I went to a school event that happened to include a visit through the phone museum and this phone booth from the 1950's, when phone booths were first available outside!!

Friday was still beautiful outside and we went for a walk again. One of my favorite treats in life is an after work nap on Friday, and this day was no exception, especially after our walk!

I had been looking forward to this day for a few weeks. Literally crossed it off on my calendar so as not to commit to something. This was after 7 weekends of retreats, conferences and road trips and before 4 weekends of Rodeo Houston, and I was determined to not commit myself to much and rest.

{02.25.17 - Double Bonus}
I slept in, got up, moved to the couch with my Plexus Pink Drink and settled in to check out my latest Magnolia Journal.

Then I made some breakfast and a cup of coffee because I had time to sit and enjoy it. As I was finishing up the Magnolia Journal I turned to this page, and thought the perfect ending to my week, that started with talking about the love of flowers in my home.
I must have flowers always and always.

The only thing I scheduled Saturday was lunch with a long time friend I hadn't seen in a couple of years, which was 2 hours of sitting on a patio, visiting and eating on another glorious sun-shining day.
Thank you for reading, and would love for you to stay in touch!
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