Sunday, October 19, 2014

#Write31Days - Oct 19 - Noonday

I've featured several pieces of the Noonday Collection in my "What I'm Wearing" posts and "Favorite Things" lately, I thought I should tell my "Why I Noonday" story...

A few months ago I wrote about items I've purchased in the past that are creating sustainable incomes for people around the world via clothing and accessories.  I have also given some of these items and the gift means so much more when it tells a story and has an impact across the world. 

This summer, I began to read more and more about the Noonday Collection and the stories behind the Artisans creating goods from Uganda, Peru, Guatemala, Haiti and other countries all around the world.  The stories resonated with me, this has a global impact and opportunity to change the future of an individual or their family both now and for generations to come. 

To end poverty.
To create sustainable income and opportunity.

This spoke to me.  I started by just intending to host a trunk show and wrote into Noonday as I didn't know any Ambassador in my area.  After a coffee meeting with a local Ambassador I was really drawn to the message of Noonday.  What started as a fundraiser for adoption has now become a life changer through Artisan groups around the world. I started reading more about the products, the company and the opportunity to promote these Artisans. 
I didn't want to just host a trunk show.

I wanted to be able to share these stories with my family and friends. And, with their friends. I love accessories, I love handmade items, I love a story of hope and I love hanging out with my friends and learning about how we can make a small impact in the lives of people around the world.  We are all called to help the poor and widow, but not everyone is called to visit another country or leave and live amongst another land. 

But, we can do something.  And together we make a difference.

I am grateful to be able to share the stories...the weavers in Guatemala...the upcycled artillery that once represented conflict but now gives hope...the opportunity for women in India who are usually denied entering the education that was denied, but achieved through graduating sewing school....these stories and more deserve to be told.  These Artisans deserve dignity, hope and a future for themselves and their families.  For generations to come. 

We can wear their stories. 
We can share their stories. 

Together we make a difference.  Noonday provides assistance around the world through various, childcare, loans, income and other needs that are met. 

Noonday also embraces the ones here at home who are making a difference and choosing one less orphan through adoption. What began as an adoption fundraiser is still a way to earn money towards your own adoption through an Adoption Fundraiser. 

Together, let's tell their story.  Contact me angie4noonday[at]outlook[dot]com for more information on the Noonday Collection, hosting a Trunk Show, hosting an Adoption Show or just to see my favorite pieces, on Facebook and featured in my Friday Favs/What I'm Wearing blog posts. 

From my Noonday Story book - lettered by me.

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