Today I'm linking up for #LetsTalkLinkUp and sharing makeup and hair products.
Neutrogena Naturals face wash is in my shower and I typically shower at night, so this is my go-to for washing off makeup, including mascara. I've consistently used it for several years and have tried other products, but keep going back to this one. In the morning I wash my face and use Aveeno Positively Radiant face wash. Truthfully I first tried this because I saw it on an end-cap at Target for something ridiculous like $2.47, and then I was kicking myself because I only bought one!

For eye make up I had a Naked brand palette for what seemed like a sweet forever and I was over it, but it was long from empty and I felt like I needed to use up all the colors I could because of what it costs! When it was finally on it's last days I started looking for replacement. I only wear 3 colors, and do my makeup in about 5 minutes, so that palette was definitely overkill for me. I found the Elf equivalent, and it was less than $10 and has lasted me several months. You can see which colors I use, far right for outside half of my eyelid, 2 over for inside and blend across, and left end for under brow/highlight. It really doesn't matter I'm getting ready for, I still use this palette and the time I spend is about the same. I found out about the Loreal mascara through Instagram post by Big Mama and really liked it, so much so that I also picked up the waterproof one and have already gone through a whole tube of it this Spring, after losing my dog and being on the verge of tears for a couple of months, and I've bought a second one.

Not sure if you've seen the new "marketing campaign" that's out for using conditioner first, but I've done that for years, followed by shampoo, which leaves the texture in my hair. I alternate conditioners and shampoos, currently I have this Coconut Water by OGX and old faithful Pantene in my shower. Also, my all time favorite shower gel is the Eucalyptus Spearmint from Bath and Body which was on my Christmas list this year and my Mom found this limited edition that should keep my stress relieved for quite a while. ;)

Finally, lips...(left) this is another product from the Clinique box,Chubby Stick Intense Moisturizing Lip Color Balm, and I like it. It is bright pink, so not for every day. I also have Clinique Cola Pop lipstick which is a little bold for me, but I have gotten used to wearing it. My go-to is Rimmel "To Nude or Not to Nude" and I really like their lipsticks. In fact, I keep one in my desk drawer at work too. Last, the classic rose salve in a tube, which I'm much more a fan of than the little tin can.

That's it for me, all fairly simple and pretty much all available at Walmart, Target, Ulta and the Walgreens. I typically buy with Ulta coupon or on a sale like last week at Walgreens which was mix-and-match brands BOGO 1/2 off! For more products, click over to the link up and visit Erica from The Slaughters and Andrea from Momfessionals.
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