I love taking pictures, the every day, the mundane, the big, the fun, the celebrating, even the hard. Images I want to remember. So, this year, I'm documenting my everyday. A photo a day for my FB/IG and then writing the stories of each on my blog weekly.
So, welcome to (May) 2017!
I volunteer one Sunday a month in the baby nursery at church, and of course we love all their little outfits. How sweet are these little skinny jeans and fringe mocs. Bless her heart she had to have a wardrobe change due to a spit-up-filled morning. Love this hour with these littles.

{05.07.17 - Bonus}
I had a paper to write and a presentation to finish up, but the sun was shining and I just needed to get out for a bit. So, I took a little time to myself, hit the pool and started a new book.
Procrastination or Inspiration?
Eh. Everything got done by 9:30 so totally worth it!

If you don't have Little Caesar's near you, you are missing out on the $5 Hot and Ready special. Little Caesar's used to basically be at the end of my block when I lived in Katy and many a Friday night after a week of teaching found me at the drive-thru for a $5 pizza. But, now it's not so convenient, so when I passed a Little Caesar's while out at lunch on Monday, I picked one up and started eating right there in my car! And, saved the rest for leftovers during the week.

The last night of the Spring semester of grad school! Hooray! This was my team for our class presentation, we researched and learned about Deontic Justice. Maybe I will post my paper, it really is an interesting topic.

Got this cd in the mail today which was included with ticket I purchased to see Little Big Town this summer during their residency at the Ryman! I'm super excited, they are one of my all time favorite groups. I didn't take a trip when I turned 40, so I'm taking one as I near the end of my 40th year instead!

{05.10.17 - Bonus}
Auggie and I have been working towards jogging on our daily walks, and so far he's doing pretty good! Of course he's always happy when I put on tennis shoes and we head outside.

My bestie Stacy and I volunteered at the Every Village Gala this year. If you've never heard of Every Village you can check them out (click here) and find out about the amazing work they do in South Sudan to bring the Bible to those who otherwise would never hear it and also to bring life changing water wells to their communities.

Friday. Poolside. Amen.
Two more Fridays and then I have 8 Fridays off in the summer! Hooray!

{05.12.17 - Bonus}
Friday was also "one of those days" at work. Sometimes you wonder do people really think about their actions. Our assistant brought me this treat in the afternoon and said she thought it described my day. She was right. And, I'm grateful for her kindness.

Saturday one of my besties was in town from the Panhandle and we got to meet up for coffee. While it would have been amazing to sit by palm trees and catch up for hours, I'm certainly grateful for meeting right off the crazy 290 and catching up for a couple of hours. Misty and I met in 2000 at church, and became dear friends. We haven't lived near each other since 2003 or so, but have kept in touch for all these years. I'm thankful for those friends that stand the test of time and distance.

{05.13.17 - Bonus}
I also got to see one of my college besties on Saturday night, so all in all it was a day that was good for my soul of time with dear friends and lots of laughs.

I volunteer one Sunday a month in the baby nursery at church, and of course we love all their little outfits. How sweet are these little skinny jeans and fringe mocs. Bless her heart she had to have a wardrobe change due to a spit-up-filled morning. Love this hour with these littles.

{05.07.17 - Bonus}
I had a paper to write and a presentation to finish up, but the sun was shining and I just needed to get out for a bit. So, I took a little time to myself, hit the pool and started a new book.
Procrastination or Inspiration?
Eh. Everything got done by 9:30 so totally worth it!

If you don't have Little Caesar's near you, you are missing out on the $5 Hot and Ready special. Little Caesar's used to basically be at the end of my block when I lived in Katy and many a Friday night after a week of teaching found me at the drive-thru for a $5 pizza. But, now it's not so convenient, so when I passed a Little Caesar's while out at lunch on Monday, I picked one up and started eating right there in my car! And, saved the rest for leftovers during the week.

The last night of the Spring semester of grad school! Hooray! This was my team for our class presentation, we researched and learned about Deontic Justice. Maybe I will post my paper, it really is an interesting topic.

Got this cd in the mail today which was included with ticket I purchased to see Little Big Town this summer during their residency at the Ryman! I'm super excited, they are one of my all time favorite groups. I didn't take a trip when I turned 40, so I'm taking one as I near the end of my 40th year instead!

{05.10.17 - Bonus}
Auggie and I have been working towards jogging on our daily walks, and so far he's doing pretty good! Of course he's always happy when I put on tennis shoes and we head outside.

My bestie Stacy and I volunteered at the Every Village Gala this year. If you've never heard of Every Village you can check them out (click here) and find out about the amazing work they do in South Sudan to bring the Bible to those who otherwise would never hear it and also to bring life changing water wells to their communities.

Friday. Poolside. Amen.
Two more Fridays and then I have 8 Fridays off in the summer! Hooray!

{05.12.17 - Bonus}
Friday was also "one of those days" at work. Sometimes you wonder do people really think about their actions. Our assistant brought me this treat in the afternoon and said she thought it described my day. She was right. And, I'm grateful for her kindness.

Saturday one of my besties was in town from the Panhandle and we got to meet up for coffee. While it would have been amazing to sit by palm trees and catch up for hours, I'm certainly grateful for meeting right off the crazy 290 and catching up for a couple of hours. Misty and I met in 2000 at church, and became dear friends. We haven't lived near each other since 2003 or so, but have kept in touch for all these years. I'm thankful for those friends that stand the test of time and distance.

{05.13.17 - Bonus}
I also got to see one of my college besties on Saturday night, so all in all it was a day that was good for my soul of time with dear friends and lots of laughs.

Thank you for reading, and would love for you to stay in touch!
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Love your recap posts! Always love to read what you and Mr. Auggie are up to. He's adorable. Hang in there - school is almost out... :) I haven't had Little Caesar food in a long time - my mom used to love the crazy bread. Have a great day!