If ever there was a child who knew in his heart about Jesus in simple faith, it is him. He understands we have sin in our lives, that we make mistakes, that Jesus died for our sins and that he forgives us and helps us follow Him through the Holy Spirit.
He asked Jesus into his heart last year, 2014, during Vacation Bible School. By himself, in the pew and has talked about it since, including WAITing to be baptized. He says on a regular basis "Gigi, let's pray about it" over big and small, simple reminders to me of God WAITing for us to come to him.
I had the honor of being "in the wings" of the baptistry with him and caught a few moments on camera...
He sat like this overlooking the baptistry, listening to the music before church, patiently WAITing with an intentional smile and excitement.

"but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,
for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven"."
Matthew 19:14

"We have therefore been buried with Him through baptism into death,
so that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory and power of the Father,
we too might walk habitually in newness of life.
Romans 6:14

It was definitely worth the WAIT, and he says he would like to get baptized every Sunday. Thankfully, when we accept Jesus, he is with us always, and we only need to continue to grow in our faith and our likeness of Christ. He will love us through all the seasons, all the WAITing in life, and all the times we choose our own path.
Ultimately WAITing for us to keep choosing Him, his guidance and his ways.
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