If there is a question I (or any teacher) was most often asked while teaching it was this one and often within minutes of turning in an assignment, completing a test or presentation.
"No. I don't have your grade."
I was pretty good at keeping up with grades and posting fairly quickly so students would know their results. In High School those grades are a big deal and WAITing can be a challenge, especially if they need a grade to change their current average.
But what about when the Doctor says WAIT right here. It could be GREAT....you're pregnant! you're cancer free! Or it could be devastating...you have ____________. Either way, the results will change your life.
This year I have watched one of my besties walk this road based on results, that unfortunately are life changing and devastating when you allow yourself to think long on it. A diagnosis that was assumed "not probable" to being very real and resulting in great impact on her family.
I watched this same friend for years go through the "not pregnant" results, endure Doctors and treatments until she finally heard "You're pregnant", three times over. Beautiful children now 5, almost 3 and just turned 2 a couple of months ago.
She's also a gifted teacher who serves selflessly the special needs population and cares so deeply for her students.

And, now, after a period of WAITing for results, she's in a lifetime of WAIT for what's going to happen next based simply on one result: her husband has ALS.
However, this result isn't causing her to WAIT. You can't WAIT when you're given results like ALS. I've watched her selflessly serve her husband as his abilities are changing, listened when she needs only a set of ears, been amazed over research, trials and methodologies she has sought to fight for all of his days.
This one, ALS, it has no known cure. So we WAIT for results of procedures they are doing and we pray. We have hope in the WAIT, she is the definition of WAIT: her soul seeking God's guidance. They have eternal hope in Him no matter what the results say, they will never change eternity.
From the bottom of my heart would you pray for them? If you'd like to support them (no ice bucket required) you can donate to their fundraiser page (click here).

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