This day also feels like a Monday, such that I went to work with my eyelashes curled but no eye makeup or mascara and also no earrings. But, despite still feeling like summer, and this day starting like a Monday, tomorrow is Friday! Hooray!
Here's the last round-up of what I've worn through the "end" of summer, and in case you missed it, last week I posted outtakes of what I'm wearing which also included a lot of baseball caps.
Before I start, I feel like I should share that I'm listening to the Big Boo Cast while writing and keep getting distracted laughing. If you've never listened and want to feel like you're sitting right beside (read: eves-dropping) a couple of besties in the coffee shop, you should give it a listen. Such topics like the color of Dallas Cowboys uniform pants and turning ribs in the dutch oven will I promise keep your attention and might be topics you have also wondered about.
Also, welcome to my stream of consciousness, which maybe explains why I went to work sans eye makeup today. But, I digress.
This tunic/dress/shirt, I really don't know what it is, was a random clearance pick up at Target when it went 70% off and I wasn't sure about it. It was one of those pieces from a Designer Collaboration/Collection and verdict is: I love it. I've worn it with leggings, with gray jeans and in this instance bare-legged for a weekend dinner out during Houston Restaurant Week. If you're in Houston and have a chance to try B&B Butchers, I would definitely recommend it. Especially if Fall really does show up around here because they have a great outdoor seating area.
The arrival of Fall also means return of Texas Antiques Week, which is where this little dress came from a few years ago. Wearing this dress is also wearing a story because the vendor brings dresses which are handmade in Guatemala and dressmaking/embroidery provides jobs for the seamstresses. This one is a little short, so doesn't make the work rotation but goes for Church or weekends out. And, of course stacks of bangles and rings are the usual.
Apparently I wore a lot of white as the summer was winding down. These little booties were my Happy 40th Birthday to myself from Junk Gypsy, and for fun I paired them with favorite white tank and jeans. This same outfit has been in rotation for 3 or so summers at least with varying different shoes and I'm certain I wore it at least once in June and once in July this year.
If ever there was a place where "I'll take one of each" would apply with zero hesitation it is the Athleta catalog of enticement that comes to my mailbox. Since that is not my reality, finding Athleta on clearance at Marshall's speaks deeply to my heart! This dress is perfect light weight for summer, has little bit of gathering detail on the skirt and can go with wedges or flip flops; and might even see tall boots and a cardigan this fall. I do have my eyes peeled for more Athleta to show up in Marshall's. $98 for $15? Get in my cart.

Before you think I'm wearing all black-white-gray, I did throw in color from time to time. I wrote the story of this outfit {click here} as it's several years old. I can remember when I saw this skirt on the front of a Target weekly mailer and I set out to find it, waited for a 20%, 30% or 40% off (don't remember which one I got) and brought it home at least 3 years ago. The top is from Banana at least 7 or 8 years ago and I hadn't worn this together since event I wrote about in that post. I've worn this skirt paired with fur jacket and cowboy boots or tights and pumps. You can see those looks here and here. Also, these shoes are the same with white dress above, Franco Sarto's that are beloved and starting to show some wear, after at least 7 or 8 years...
In case you were wondering, as I'm finishing this I've also finished up the podcast. I don't want to leave you wondering what else might have been discussed; topics included polyester induced rash, college football, summer heat, fall porch plants, gluten free/Snackwells, kids schedules, Gap pants (my love language) and a few rib flips in between. Which are probably often topics you and your bestie cover and if you're from here you've probably also talked about where the drop in humidity has run away to hide out.
Here's to tomorrow being Friday and one day Fall temps deciding to show up.
(Wednesday link up with The Pleated Poppy's What I Wore - click here for more style fun!)
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