Disclaimer: What I'm Wearing is in hopes inspiration for your closet, that I can give you some ideas from what I'm wearing. What fits you doesn't always fit me. What fits me, doesn't always fit you. So, we all know the style of jeans that work best for us, the brands of shoes we love, etc. I'm not a "linker" to buy all of these outfits here. Truth be told, a lot of my clothes are many many years old and I pick up things all around the place. I'm don't update my wardrobe every season with the latest and greatest. I
Monday I had an all day sub for a meeting. The glory in this was the meeting started at 9:30, so my return to the real world got a small break and the alarm wasn't set in the 5am hour! Simple tunic, khaki pants and glitter flats to try and brighten up a Monday!
I found these Frye boots on sale at DSW! I realize it's a little late for boots, but the cold weather is still making an appearance around here, so figured it was a good day to wear them! Mint cardigan and mint accessories plus one of my favorite scarves from Nordstrom! These leggings were $4.99 from Ross!
Seriously the question every morning was "what requires minimal effort?"! It's close enough to Easter, even though I don't abide by the rule of white from Easter to Labor Day, so white pants with gray tunic T plus navy was comfy and minimal effort. After a couple of days in flats, I had a few students even comment that I wasn't wearing heels! I guess they are used to my regular wear of heels!
Again, the goal is comfortable and easy. This Gap sweater plus trouser
TGIF! I felt like I had achieved a great accomplishment to make it to Friday. Keeping it real, I didn't feel great all week, had a cough that wouldn't go away and by Friday felt like a full on cold had settled in. Thankfully the weekend was ahead and Friday was jeans + spirit shirts! I feel like leopard flats stepped it up just a little. Ha!

Looking back at this week, most days were in a ponytail and surprisingly my hair was clean too! However, I slept as late as possible and got ready in 20 minutes or less every day...willing myself to not get sick by getting more sleep. Though that equation didn't really work out....the good news is, next week is a 4 days week with Good Friday holiday!!
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