I love taking pictures, the every day, the mundane, the big, the fun, the celebrating, even the hard. Images I want to remember. So, this year, I'm documenting my everyday. A photo a day for my FB/IG and then writing the stories of each on my blog weekly.
So, welcome to (February) 2017!
At least one Sunday a month for last couple of years I have been volunteering in our church nursery baby room. It's sweet times with little newborns who are at church for the first time in our kids ministry. We get to snuggle babies while their parents attend church until they reach promotion status; which is accomplishing crawling. I've also met great friends through serving in this room, and these are a couple of my sweet friends from church. Also, I'm the shorty in this pic at 5'9".

Monday night I went to the famed Houston water wall by the Galleria. I think this might have been the first time I've been there since maybe a tourist stop sometime before I lived here. (I did drive Jamie Ivey by here when she was in town for LIT Conference weekend because the wall is a special spot for her and her husband.) This night we celebrated my sweet friend Annalee's birthday complete with a picnic and lots of games on the lawn.

{02.27.17 - Double Bonus}
Fun fact about Annalee: she's a leap year baby! We met through our church but because of another mutual friend. She is the dearest of friends, laughs hard and shares tears. She is a listener, intentional in asking questions and remembers all the little things. I have been at their family table countless times and stayed in their guest room when I was commuting. Celebrating her is a treat! Also, because of her, I have gained framily who I've celebrated lots of birthdays with, worked alongside during Antiques Week, stayed with in the big house and more.

Of course, this pic had to make the blog. Happy dog after a walk in the sunshine!

I got a sweet delivery at work on Tuesday, a few boxes (not this whole box full!!) of Girl Scout cookies. Avery's mama was my neighbor and we were puppy buddies, her Kirby was Barney's first BFF outside of his sister Busy. Anytime your 6 year old calls me on the phone and asks me herself if I want to support her Daisy Troop and buy some cookies, you can bet I will say "YES"! Also, Lemonades are my fav cookie this year. How have I never had those before!?

Sad day Wednesday. I've been sponsoring a girl in India through Compassion International since 2009 and the program in India has been shut down, meaning she will no longer be supported. I have letters from her through the years, she's now a junior in high school, is doing so well. But, because of government issues, she won't continue to get Compassion's support -- of food, education, medical care and love of Jesus taught and shown through her school. Even though for months I have been getting communications and praying for miracles for this program in India to continue, this email struck me hard and has really weighed on me all week.

(stay tuned for next week, because there is a sweet follow up)
{03.01.17 - Bonus}
At least one Sunday a month for last couple of years I have been volunteering in our church nursery baby room. It's sweet times with little newborns who are at church for the first time in our kids ministry. We get to snuggle babies while their parents attend church until they reach promotion status; which is accomplishing crawling. I've also met great friends through serving in this room, and these are a couple of my sweet friends from church. Also, I'm the shorty in this pic at 5'9".

Monday night I went to the famed Houston water wall by the Galleria. I think this might have been the first time I've been there since maybe a tourist stop sometime before I lived here. (I did drive Jamie Ivey by here when she was in town for LIT Conference weekend because the wall is a special spot for her and her husband.) This night we celebrated my sweet friend Annalee's birthday complete with a picnic and lots of games on the lawn.

{02.27.17 - Double Bonus}
Fun fact about Annalee: she's a leap year baby! We met through our church but because of another mutual friend. She is the dearest of friends, laughs hard and shares tears. She is a listener, intentional in asking questions and remembers all the little things. I have been at their family table countless times and stayed in their guest room when I was commuting. Celebrating her is a treat! Also, because of her, I have gained framily who I've celebrated lots of birthdays with, worked alongside during Antiques Week, stayed with in the big house and more.

Of course, this pic had to make the blog. Happy dog after a walk in the sunshine!

I got a sweet delivery at work on Tuesday, a few boxes (not this whole box full!!) of Girl Scout cookies. Avery's mama was my neighbor and we were puppy buddies, her Kirby was Barney's first BFF outside of his sister Busy. Anytime your 6 year old calls me on the phone and asks me herself if I want to support her Daisy Troop and buy some cookies, you can bet I will say "YES"! Also, Lemonades are my fav cookie this year. How have I never had those before!?

Sad day Wednesday. I've been sponsoring a girl in India through Compassion International since 2009 and the program in India has been shut down, meaning she will no longer be supported. I have letters from her through the years, she's now a junior in high school, is doing so well. But, because of government issues, she won't continue to get Compassion's support -- of food, education, medical care and love of Jesus taught and shown through her school. Even though for months I have been getting communications and praying for miracles for this program in India to continue, this email struck me hard and has really weighed on me all week.

(stay tuned for next week, because there is a sweet follow up)
{03.01.17 - Bonus}
I saw this posted on Instagram by Shelley Giglio, and I had to save it for myself. These words are so true. The ones who are honest (not rude, unfiltered, can say anything I want, "just being honest") and share their true selves are the best kind of people to me.

So, that framily I mentioned above lost a dear member of their family, Grandmama, last week. She left this life on 02.24 - 4 years to the day of her husband, GrandBud's death. I've been privileged to get to know Grandmama over the last couple of years, and as I sat in the service Thursday this cross was standing tall out the windows of the chapel. Her life so well lived, and an eternity in heaven because of her faith in Christ. Well done good and faithful servant.
{03.02.17 - Bonus}
I took some pics folding a fitted sheet, a task that has come up in lots of conversations lately, so I'm going to post a blog about how I fold a fitted sheet. :) Stay tuned.
I was sitting backstage on Friday night during the Rodeo Houston BBQ Cookoff as Cory Morrow was playing. As I was sitting there, I was thinking about how long I've been around Cory's music....it's been nearly 20 years! He was a rising star when I was in college, working part time in radio and involved with the Texas music scene alongside one of my friends. Still 20 years later, I love live music!
Saturday was the Rodeo Houston parade through the streets of downtown. It's been several years since I've been to the parade; I ran the Rodeo Run for a few years and attended the parade off and on, but haven't done either in a few years. Despite working during the parade evaluating our announcer teams, and feeling like I missed a lot of it for writing down notes and completing a rubric, I did pause as the colors went by. Our flag carried horseback is my favorite way to see the Old Glory pass by. Looking forward to weeks of Rodeo Houston, the flag every night showcased on horseback before each performance.
{03.04.17 - Bonus}
Saturday after the parade, off and on rain set in. After two nights of cookoff fun I was happy to be home on my couch and I think someone else was happy to have me home.
Thank you for reading, and would love for you to stay in touch!
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