I love taking pictures, the every day, the mundane, the big, the fun, the celebrating, even the hard. Images I want to remember. So, this year, I'm documenting my everyday. A photo a day for my FB/IG and then writing the stories of each on my blog weekly.
So, welcome to (March) 2017!
If you read last week (click here) and remember that the Compassion program is closing for the girl I've been sponsoring since 2009 which was incredibly sad! But, then Sunday....I had no idea, but it was Compassion Sunday at our church, and I got to pick a new girl! Angie? Yes! Sign me up! I love what Compassion does for children, (health care, education, food, clothing and Jesus) and for $38 a month a great way to make a difference around the world.

I've been making a list of random things to get done during Spring Break, and I got ahead of myself when I had a free Monday night at home and did my taxes. High five to you too Turbo Tax.

Finished up another class in my MBA program tonight, with a group presentation. This is my group and we presented a new performance management system. Got a 95. High five to that too!

Wednesday was my first Rodeo Houston contest for the year; Horse Judging. This one is special to me since I judged way back in 80's at the Astrodome! This is from my favorite spot during the contest, awaiting these Junior 4-H'ers to finish giving reasons. These are Juniors, so they are at most 13. And, you see those tiny's? They are 8 or 9 and go stand before a judge to tell why they placed the class like they did! So proud of them, lots of high-fives from right here!

{3.08.17 - Triple Bonus}
Full circle moment...
Met a former Chairman from 80's of the "Junior Horse Judging Committee", which I participated in their contests as a 4-H member judging at the Dome in late 80s!
That committee has now become the Judging Contest Committee and host to 20+ contests, one of which is Horse Judging! This marks my 3rd year as Vice Chairman and Horse Judging will always be a contest near to my heart!

If you read last week (click here) and remember that the Compassion program is closing for the girl I've been sponsoring since 2009 which was incredibly sad! But, then Sunday....I had no idea, but it was Compassion Sunday at our church, and I got to pick a new girl! Angie? Yes! Sign me up! I love what Compassion does for children, (health care, education, food, clothing and Jesus) and for $38 a month a great way to make a difference around the world.

I've been making a list of random things to get done during Spring Break, and I got ahead of myself when I had a free Monday night at home and did my taxes. High five to you too Turbo Tax.

Finished up another class in my MBA program tonight, with a group presentation. This is my group and we presented a new performance management system. Got a 95. High five to that too!

Wednesday was my first Rodeo Houston contest for the year; Horse Judging. This one is special to me since I judged way back in 80's at the Astrodome! This is from my favorite spot during the contest, awaiting these Junior 4-H'ers to finish giving reasons. These are Juniors, so they are at most 13. And, you see those tiny's? They are 8 or 9 and go stand before a judge to tell why they placed the class like they did! So proud of them, lots of high-fives from right here!

{3.08.17 - Triple Bonus}
Full circle moment...
Met a former Chairman from 80's of the "Junior Horse Judging Committee", which I participated in their contests as a 4-H member judging at the Dome in late 80s!
That committee has now become the Judging Contest Committee and host to 20+ contests, one of which is Horse Judging! This marks my 3rd year as Vice Chairman and Horse Judging will always be a contest near to my heart!

I love the internet when your online friends become friends in real life. If you don't follow @fivechicksandafarmer on Instagram, you're missing out on an amazing farmer's wife, Mama to 4 girls and friend! A treat to meet in the fields of Antiques Week couple of years ago and fun to see at Horse Judging Contest with her girls!
Speaking of Antiques Week, got to see this friend and her daughters (who are part of family I work with at Zapp Hall Cafe) on their girls night out at Rodeo!
I took an hour off work to have a little bit longer lunch due to my schedule Thursday and I took Auggie for a mid day walk! The sun was shining and we were both happy to be out in the sunshine!
{03.09.17 - Double Bonus}
First attempt at a Bluebonnet pic! The bluebonnets have been out for a couple of weeks now and are so pretty on our walks!
Thursday night I headed out to the rodeo with my friend Alicia. She's one of the first people I met when I moved churches five years ago and I'm so grateful for her! We stopped into a committee tent to meet another friend and had a yummy dinner treat...ahi tuna!
Flannel Friday at work with my co-workers!
{03.10.17 - Double Bonus}
Friday night I stayed in, took my class final (got an A, 4.0 continues!) and Auggie was pretty happy I was home! He was a lap dog for most of the night!
Saturday I took my parents to the Rodeo to see Alan Jackson for this year's Mother's Day and Father's Day! Experience over things! We had a great time! They took us as kids and my Dad hasn't been in quite a long time. Mom came with me a couple of years ago for Reba. We all sang along to Alan Jackson hits, they got to meet lots of my JCC Committee friends and of course we had good rodeo food!
Thank you for reading, and would love for you to stay in touch!
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