It's been a while since I've done the weekly "What I Wore" posts, and I've been asked about them, so thought I would blog outfits this month.
Work + Walk
All of the work pieces are years old...sleeveless stripe button up from Banana Republic, cardigan & skirt from Target, tights and shoes from not sure where.
Target C9 clearance keep warm hoodie, perfect for walks with Auggie. Leggings are Betsey Johnson from either TJ Maxx or Marshall's.
Work + Walk + Out
1/2 day of work and attended a funeral in the afternoon. Dress is Who What Wear from Target, shoes are BCBG from DSW a year or so ago.
Walk in way old Nike 1/2 zip, tank + leggings from Marshalls or TJ Maxx.
BBQ Cookoff in Gap leather jacket, bandana scarf, J Crew tank and Loft black jeans with black suede Dolce Vita from 2015 Nordstrom Anniversary sale.
Here's the details of Thursday night....
Work + Walk + Out
Friday was Go Texan Day in honor of Rodeo Houston so got to wear jeans and boots for work. I got ready in about 25 minutes and went minimalist. Plaid flannel is from Francesca's in the early fall and jeans are Cruel Girl - western brand).
Day 2 of the same walking outfit, only wore it less than 30 minutes Thursday so it gets a repeat on Friday for quick walk with Auggie.
Out again for BBQ Cookoff. Denim on Denim. Yes please. Shirt is Target, shorts are 5 or so summers ago from Old Navy, cactus duster is Dusty Diamods Boutique, necklace is Accessorize in Style (mentioned several posts before) and boots are same as above.
Here's a little closer of the details...
Parade + Home
Saturday am I volunteered at the Rodeo Houston parade. It wasn't as cold as I thought, so switched my vest right before I walked out the door. #girlsgonnachangeherclothes. Button up is Target, jeans are by Stetson, shoes are Twisted X (perfect because I ended up walking the parade route twice), green vest is 2015 Old Navy and black vest is Francesca's. After the weather changed, I was wishing for the warmer green vest!
I got home about 4pm and spent the rest of the day on my couch. Nike shorts will forever be my favorite.
Church + Home
Sunday morning was raining, raining, raining. So, denim on denim and rain boots it was, plus most of the day after church for couple of errands included my raincoat. Pearlsnap is years ago Gap (from men's side) and jeans are Calvin Klein from Marshall's. Rain boots from Target, previously blogged.
These gray pants are my all time favs for lounging. I spent majority of day at my computer working on school project and a couple of other things. If you don't have a pack of Hanes v-necks, you're also missing out. I often get asked about my v-neck t's. Always Hanes.
Work + Walk + New Arrival
Monday of the week before Spring Break and my mind is already on Spring Break, and a MBA presentation due, and Rodeo Houston contests I'm over, and Polished to-do's, and my list of things to accomplish on Spring Break. But, I pulled it together and went to work. In a top from TJ Maxx, that I was asked if it was from Anthro, sure to be a new fav in my closet for spring. Threepeat and to the washer on the walk wear. Last, got this new sweatshirt in the mail and had to try it on. Sunday Best. So cute and caught it on an Instagram Clearance from Hello Grace. Be sure to notice Auggie caught mid-jump in the pic on right! :)
Work + Home + Class
I love wearing dresses to work, they are the grown up onesie. So easy and effortless. (See Spring Break brain above.) This one I've blogged several times, it's from Old Navy in early fall and my advice for Old Navy dresses is order "tall" if you're on the verge of height because their dresses run short! I got to come home for an hour or so between work and class, so since these 2 pieces were out and accessible, I put them on for a few minutes while I was at home. Auggie thought we were headed out for a walk, but sadly not today. I had a class presentation, so literally put right back on my work clothes and headed out to class.
Also, I got these pajamas FREE, #thankyouTargetCartwheel and they are my new favs. Wear, wash, repeat. Wonder Woman forever.

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